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Social Media Management

Social media isn’t just about double-tapping photos or scrolling through memes—it’s a powerful tool for businesses. As a small business owner, here’s why you should dive into social media marketing:

  1. Audience Reach: In Ontario, Canada, a whopping 67% of the population uses social media. That’s a vast audience waiting to discover your brand!

  2. Facebook’s Influence: Facebook users spend an average of 40 minutes daily on the platform. Imagine the impact your business can make in those precious minutes.

  3. Brand Trust: Having a social media presence isn’t just trendy; it’s essential. Consumers and search engines trust brands more when they’re active on social platforms.

At Assistantify, we’ve identified three key objectives for social media marketing:

  1. Brand Awareness: Let the world know you exist!
  2. Brand Loyalty: Keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  3. Brand Authority: Establish credibility and expertise.
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